Cement at a better price directly from the factory

We purchase our Portland cement direct from the factories, we handle our own logistics and organise the importation and distribution, cutting out any expensive middlemen.

We are able to supply cement in 1.5 Ton sealed big bags and we are also able to deliver cement in bulk tankers, blown to silo.

We supply a variety of companies with our products, such as Readymix companies, Pre-cast firms, soilstabilisation companies, builders and others

Mail us right here!

CEM I 52.5R

This type of Portland cement contains more than 95% of finely ground clinker. Capable of producing very high strength concrete at very early ages, even in cold climates. Suitable for both reinforced and pre-stressed concrete, best suitable for strength classes in the range of C40/50 and C50/60.


• High strength concrete
• Reinforced concrete
• Prestressed concrete and precast and prestressed structural elements
• Concrete for rapid removal of formwork, uncasing and demoulding
• Shotcrete
• Self-compacting concrete
• Floor Screeding



Delivered in:
Bulk or in sealed 1.5 Ton Big bags

CEM I 42.5R

This type of Portland cement contains more than 95% of finely ground clinker. Suitable for various applications: industrial mortars, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete, general purpose grout, and fiber cement. Widely used for underground construction and geotechnical work. Best suited for environments inductive of carbonation.


• High strength concrete
• Reinforced concrete
• Prestressed concrete and precast and prestressed structural elements
• Concrete for rapid removal of formwork, uncasing and demoulding
• Shotcrete
• Self-compacting concrete
• Floor Screeding



Delivered in:
Bulk, 1.5 Ton Sealed big bags or 25kg kraft paper bags